In GRE/TOEFL writing, a varied sentence structure and vocabulary often helps you a lot to receive a high score. And here comes textVary, a writing assistant program that is capable of detecting your repeating phrases and providing you with visual feedback, thus helping you form a habit of using diverse expressions.
The following video demonstrates how textVary helps the user avoid a second use of the phrase 'as well as'.
TextVary can also recognize various forms of the same word.
In fact, textVary analyzes your essays carefully, it even understands the same punctuation may have different meaning in different contexts.
To get statistics of phrase usage from the input:
To turn the statistics into visual feedback:
The UI is implemented in a Reactive Programming (RP) style.
As the frequency of a word or phrase increases, its background color varies from a translucent yellow to a transparent red. In this way, if a usage appears again and again in an essay, its highlight will eventually become unnoticeable. This is the desired behaviour because it helps the user focus on avoiding using the same expression twice or the third time, but ignore the repeating use of topic words or key words.
TextVary is written by Jiayi Wei(魏家一), here is his github homepage.